A Critical Doer attacks problems and creates opportunities from the inside out With Thanksgiving day past and the season of shopping open full bore, you may be secretly hoping as you stand in front of a cash register that someone can answer the question “what’s stopping you?” Just like there’s not a mystical force […]
Month: November 2015
Thanksgiving 2015 Message: Thankful for the One Thing We Always Have
A Critical Doer controls what is theirs to control Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and thanks for taking a moment today and every day that you read the Critical Doer blog. On a day set aside to give thanks for all our blessings, activities of the day can sometimes leave us feeling something less than thankful as […]
Lane’s Story–Part 2
A Critical Doer capitalizes on opportunities to be better I was getting a “debrief” this morning from my wife about my previous post on Lane Desborough, a father that undertook an entrepreneurial path in response to his son’s plight with Type 1 Diabetes. Gwen usually has a keen eye for when I’ve hit and […]
Lane’s Story
A Critical Doer generates motion from “why” more than “what” A few months back I penned a series of posts on active listening. One of them dealt with empathy and the importance of “why” more so than “what.” Simone Ahuja recently published an incredible story in the Harvard Business Review of a Critical Doer named […]
Critical Doer Deep Dive: Don’t Eat Your Seed Corn (Part 2)
A Critical Doer controls what is theirs to control In my last post, we took a look at stock buybacks versus reinvestment using the metaphor of “don’t eat your seed corn” as the backdrop to frame the discussion in terms of long term and short term calculations. I also promised to devote this post to […]
Don’t Eat Your Seed Corn
A Critical Doer understands time; long and short view I grew up on a farm in North Carolina. There were two things that were never in short supply…hard work and colorful pearls of wisdom. One saying that I dreaded but have come to love through the years was generally invoked when I was trying […]
Veteran’s Day Tribute
How Far Can You See? To the many that will be saying thanks to my fellow veterans past and present today, let me say thank you to everyone for making an effort through word or deed to acknowledge the rigor that comes with a choice to serve. In true Critical Doer fashion, let’s take this […]
Using Big Words…Does That Make Me Smart?
A Critical Doer capitalizes on opportunities to be better Let’s start a new week with some practical wisdom. I recently read a post by blogger Paul Graham, and the theme of his post was that writing in everyday language would attract more readers and make the posts easier to understand. Paul is absolutely right…and it […]
More Alike Than You Think…Is That Good?
A Critical Doer keeps risk and failure in context with opportunity and success I saw an article this week on CNBC’s web page that told about a research effort on millennials. Generational leadership challenges are an interest of mine so I anxiously read through it…and didn’t find what I expected. The research showed that in […]
There’s Something About That Dog
How Far Can You See? A coworker told me a great story that illustrates the Critical Doer philosophical question of “how far can you see?” Remember, no person or organization can go any further than you can see. The following story makes the point. A hunter has a very special dog used for retrieving ducks […]